Thursday, August 20, 2015

Could I Sue My Insurance Company For Not Investigating?

Question Detail: Can I sue my insurance company for not doing an investigation concerning my accident but solely paying the other side based on a police report? It has already been admitted that they did not do one. I would like to find an attorney to do so if I can.

Answer:  No.  For their own business reasons, they often pay claims rather that pay for investigation which is often very expensive and can expose them to much greater liability if it turns out your understanding of the event or other evidence is wrong.  Why do you care?  If your premium goes up, go to an insurance BROKER not a captive agent(State Farm) who can shop for you.  Your premium won't change most of the time.  They want their money back through future premiums unless they don't like you as a risk now.  It's all about numbers.  Nothing personal about the insurance business.

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