Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Uninsured Driver Wonders What Will Happen?

Question: What could I do if I am being sued for a car accident?
Question Detail: I was in a car accident, it was my fault since I lost control of my car. Now the lady whose car I hit wants money can she win? I don't own anything I don't have any savings. I have 4 kids and my wife was let go from her job so right now my family and I live from only my pay check to pay check.

Answer:  If you were uninsured, shame on you.  If you don't respond to the lawsuit she may file, she will get a default judgement and then she can try to find some of your assets, like a paycheck, to snatch to pay for the damages you caused.  Unfortunately, 20% of Montana drivers are uninsured so when you get insurance for your car(it's the law) get the maximum amount of uninsured and underinsured coverage your company will allow to cover you in case someone like you hits you?

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