Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Can Public School Force 8th Graders to Do 2 Hours Of Public Service to Graduate?

Question: What are the parents rights versus the schools rights?
Question Detail: I don't know where to go with this because in some ways it isn't a big problem now but it's the implications of my issue that worry me. Let me try to explain. I have two children in the local school system, one is a senior in high school and one is in middle school. Sometime after my daughter graduated the 8th grade the school system added a new requirement that all 8th graders must complete two hours of unpaid work (community service) to graduate. I have talk to various administrators about this and I have determined that this isn't a state requirement but a local one and it must be done after school. I have also determined that was added to the district's curriculum as a graduation requirement. I don't know how or why this would be part of our curriculum because it has nothing to do with basic education or meeting state goals. But in our district curriculum is set by a committee made up of school personnel and parents who make recommendations to the school board, which they then vote on. Although I think having children do volunteer work (community service) is a good thing I don't think that it is the school's job to make this kind of a decision. That should be the parents job not the schools. Even if I don't agree, can they ban my child from the class trip and graduation for something he didn't do after school hours? What are my rights as a parent? What else can they force my child and me to do on our own time, after we are talking about a minor here? Although I have talked to school officials I haven't gone to the school board yet because I'm not sure they can legally make this type of decision in the first place and would affect my approach to them. I have heard only rumors that another committee is going to recommend that at the high school level they add to that curriculum 15 to 20 hours of unpaid work (community service) to be done in order to graduate. Help!!

Answer:  Dear Lawyer says you should be ashamed of the example you are setting for your children.  Wrangling with the school board over two hours of picking trash, which can easily be justified as a good teaching example of public service.  Disgruntled underachievers look for non-issues like this to make noise over nothing.  Save yourself public embarrassment and find another something to complain about.  Give your children sex education lectures instead.

Does The State of Montana Offer Compensation For Rape Victim?

Question: Does the state offer personal injury compensation for rape?
Question Detail: We live in one state. My son was raped in another state. Does the state offer such thing as personal injury compensation?

Answer:  Montana does have a Crime Victims Compensation program, but I think the crime must occur in Montana and the fund only covers medical expenses up to a maximum of $25,000.  

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Inadequate Nasal Spray Warning Leads To Heart Aneurysm.

Question: Can I sue a medical company because their health warning wasn't big enough?
I used an over the counter nasal spray for a year and a half. I started having extremely high blood pressure so I stopped using the nasal spray, and my blood pressure went down. And I discovered that I have an aortic aneurysm after using the nasal spray, too. There was a warning against prolonged use on the package but it was extremely small and I did not see it until I had been using the spray for over a year. Can I sue the medical company?

Answer:  Unless you can prove the spray caused your aortic aneurysm, your lawsuit will probably be dismissed. 

Subpoena Served On Witness Who Will Be Out Of State

Question: What happens if I receive a subpoenae but will leave the state before the court date? I got a subpoena the other day. I immediately called the lawyer who gave it to me and informed him that I am moving out of state before the court date and there is no way with me being unemployed I will be able to fly up for the court date. The incident this is regarding is a civil matter which happened while I was working and was the one who spoke with the claimant since I was a security supervisor. This incident happened almost 5 years ago. Since then, just last may I have returned from Iraq and been dealing with a multitude of psychological issues. Having to deal with this now on top of everything else is just making things worse for me. In January I met with all the lawyers and gave statements and answered questions on what little bit I could recall, and since then for me psychologically in my everyday life things have really gotten much more intense. I don't see this court thing as being practical with my state of mind and moving as well. What can be done about this seeing as I won't even be around during the date? Will I be in trouble if I do not show? Should I get a letter from my doctors stating that I am being seeing for several mental health issues?

Answer:  Write a letter to the attorneys listed on the subpoena and save a copy.  Unless the attorney provides you with travel expenses and lodging, he has the option of taking your deposition before you leave the jurisdiction and using that at trial.  

Car Dealer Lied About 2013 Nussab Being In Prior Crash.

Question: Did the auto dealer defraud me by not letting me know the car was in a wreck?  I purchased a used 2013 Nissan. Agreed upon price was 20272, including tax tags title, everything. Well I used a pre-approved loan check for 19000 to pay for the truck and was going to put down the remainder ($1,272) on a credit card. When we went to the processing area I had my card in hand and thought she took it to swipe but she never did. The dealer took my approved loan check for 19k and did my paperwork saying that everything is paid and the agreement is a 0 balance. Now is it possible they can come back to try and take my $1272? Isn't it their mistake they did not charge the card? As I said all paperwork said that this is paid in full, which both parties signed. I asked the dealer if the truck had ever been in a wreck because the back bumper looked off, so I asked for a Carfax to make sure it had never been in an accident. The dealer told me that the title is clean and the vehicle had never been in an accident, then the car check came back clean. After I get home I am checking through the glove box in the owner's manual and come across a receipt for bodywork due to a wreck in 2013! I specifically asked the dealer if it had been in a wreck and he and the manager said no, plus the car check came back clean as well. So did the dealer for not letting me know the car was in a wreck defraud me? And am I at fault for the dealer not doing his paperwork correctly? Should I just let bygones be bygones because of my break? Any help in this matter would greatly be appreciated.

Answer:  It depends on how serious the body work charges were for.  A couple hundred dollars wouldn't be much, but thousands in repairs would be different.  Sue the dealership in small claims for $5000 for diminution of the value to the car. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Uninsured Driver Wonders What Will Happen?

Question: What could I do if I am being sued for a car accident?
Question Detail: I was in a car accident, it was my fault since I lost control of my car. Now the lady whose car I hit wants money can she win? I don't own anything I don't have any savings. I have 4 kids and my wife was let go from her job so right now my family and I live from only my pay check to pay check.

Answer:  If you were uninsured, shame on you.  If you don't respond to the lawsuit she may file, she will get a default judgement and then she can try to find some of your assets, like a paycheck, to snatch to pay for the damages you caused.  Unfortunately, 20% of Montana drivers are uninsured so when you get insurance for your car(it's the law) get the maximum amount of uninsured and underinsured coverage your company will allow to cover you in case someone like you hits you?

Wife's Lawyer Won't Return Husband's Calls About Unpaid Medical Bills?

Question: What could I do to get insurance to pay for medical expenses?
Question Detail: My wife's lawyer has been trying to place a lien on the insurance company of the person who caused and injured her in an auto accident. The insurance company has refused to pay her medical expenses to date. Her condition has worsened in the last 2 months. I have scheduled an appointment with a specialist who requires a fee for his service, but additional treatment will require insurance. What course of action should I pursue? I have left messages with her lawyer but have not received any response.

Answer:  The lawyer represents your wife, not you, however, he or she should be able to explain what the plan is to her.  If there is a written denial, then her health insurance should be notified that they are the primary payor, subject to a lien on any third party settlement. 

Can The City Tell Us How To Kennel Our Dogs?

Question: What are our rights regarding dogs and city ordinance? How?
Question Detail: The town we live in is harassing us about our dogs. We can't chain them up, can't let them run around, so we bought a huge kennel cage for them put them to the back beside the house and they say that's unsanitary. We rent and the land lord won't let us put a fence to fence in the backyard and we can't put the cage there because it slopes they say they are going to fine us and take our dogs what are our rights.

Answer:  Basically yes, they can interfere with your keeping the dogs in a kennel.  In the long run, finding a better rental that can accommodate  your absence all day or a doggie daycare is the most cost effective solution.  Think about living in that cage all day.  You need a better solution for your pets.  A lawyer playing legal games with the city attorney is not a solution to the problem.  Look in the mirror and you will find the solution.

Will The Electric Power Company Charge Us For Removing Hanging Tree Limbs?

Question Detail: Recent storms caused 2 trees to lean, branches are hanging over the electric lines. We don't have the money to remove them and I don't know our liability if we try and they bring down the lines. If we call the electric co will they remove the branches that would take down the lines if they fell? Without charging us? Otherwise they are completely on our property and would not matter if they stay where they are or fell down but if they fall the way they are now the branches will definitely take out the power lines.

Answer:  No, but they may not agree with your opinion about the need to cut them.  All you can do is report the potential problem.  Do Not try to trim the tree yourself.  Electricity kills.

Can I Sue My Boss For Cutting Off My Finger?

Question: When I file my personal injury suit after a work injury do I have any limitations? Answer:  You have 30 days to give your boss or supervisor notice that you have been injured and one year to file a written claim for compensation in Montana. 

Question Detail: Do I have to file my claim under a certain amount of time if I lost my finger while working on a car in the auto shop I work at? My boss, who was working with me, was not paying attention when he was working the engine crane, and was who caused the accident. He was not paying attention, and was negligent.

Answer:  If your employer has complied with the Montana workers' compensation law by having a policy, then that is your exclusive claim.  You are not allowed to sue him for negligence.

How Do I Stop A Telephone Credit Card Scam

Question: How could I cancel a bait and switch verbal agreement contract?  Recently I was contacted by phone by the American Publisher's service LLC. They said I had won a $1000 gift certificate and they wanted to ship it out to me. Then they said gave me a magazine subscription offer and said that when I received the gift certificate package that I needed to sign the package and send it back and that would release the certificate and start the subscription. They said they needed my credit card number not to charge at this time but to verify that it was valid for use upon receipt of the signed certificate package. At this point I became very skeptical and told them I think I will pass and they assured me that my card would not be charged until confirmation of the contract. I figured when I got the gift certificate package I could do some research on the company and make a decision on what I wanted to do then. They switched me through several representatives and at one point recorded the conversation and I didn't realize that the conversation they recorded did not mention the deal starting upon me signing the certificate package and returning it to them. Two days later I received the gift certificate package checked my credit card saw that they had charged my account, and checked online and saw that this company was a verbal contract bait and switch scam. My question is what my options for canceling this deal are. Of course I called the company and told them how I interpreted how this worked but they stated that they had me on recording and that return of the signed certificate was not the contract sealer but that during the conversation I agreed to this magazine contract and I'm legally bound.

Answer:  Immediately call your credit card company and challenge the charge.  Fraud is never protected by the law of contracts, oral or written, so the scammers can play their recorded statement to the credit card compliance investigators.