Monday, January 14, 2013

Can Montana Diner Sue Restaurant For Cheesecake Slip and Fall?

Question: If I fell at a restaurant while walking in the hallway to the restroom what should I do?  Well this happened a couple of months ago my friend and I were walking to the restroom of this well know restaurant and as I was leading the way walking in the hallway leading to the restrooms I slipped and fell on my side little did I know there was some type of cheesecake on the floor never did I think to look down while I was walking to restroom after I fell and I was on the floor my friend then called the manager and he then told an employee to clean it up while he was asking me what happened he also gave me a gift certificate for 50.00 I was upset because I couldn't believe what he was offering me so I then called the cops made a police report and after that accident happened days and weeks of pain on my right side starting by my lower back to my hip down to my leg of server pain couldn't sleep at night and couldn't stay standing for long because of the pain I couldn't go to a doctor because I don't have insurance so one day I had to miss work because I of the sleepless night with pain and I went to the ER at the hospital wheel they did X-rays and gave me a shot for the pain and some muscle relaxers when the X-rays came back doctor told me I had a congested in my bone which was them explained to me that it severe bruising inside the bone and it would heal on its own with time and they prescribed me muscle relaxers which didn't help so now I'm stuck with this pain that was mot gone away and medical bills that I can't afford as the result of this I missed days at work with no pay and they fired me as well what should I do now ? I need help to pay my medical bills and I'm am not able to work if standing up for long without pain this has really affected me physically mentally and emotionally I feel so depressed and stress not being able to do what I used to. I got a call once from the main corp. office bit I didn't speak to them cause I've been trying to get a hold of my attorney and yet mo response please help me out!

ANSWER: You have probably waited too long in seeking medical care to make a serious case.  Are you sure it was cheesecake?  Call the cops was a little over the top wasn't it?  That would make a jury think you are a crank or a whiner.  

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