Thursday, January 10, 2013

Can Customer Sue Rude Montana Pharmacist For embarrassment?

Question: Can I sue a pharmacist slander and theft? I take a certain medication that's expensive and I get 30 each month. I pay for 5 pills at a time. I keep all bottles and receipts. I went to get five, they ran out and only had two pills. I paid for five and they wrote on the receipt and bottle we owe him three pills and they signed it. I went to get the pills and he totally went off on me and really talked bad to me. He threw my bottle at me and would not listen to me or even look at what I had. He said don't ever come back. Even the ladies working there were so shocked. I'm hurting without my pills and the doctor is 200 miles from here. It takes time to get my appointment. I hate sounding bitter, but this man clearly hurt my feelings I was so ashamed. I told him I spend lots of cash with him. He said you look like you have lots of money. It was totally awful. I will report him, sue him, anything I can do I will please help me.

ANSWER:  No.  You probably felt like a druggie on the street feels when some stranger accuses them of being a useless scumbag and waste of space.  Fire this pill pusher and find another.  You don't need him.  You don't have to take rude treatment.  You could picket his drug stand, but the cops would probably arrest you and ask questions later.  Change pharmacies.  There is always a Walgreens or Walmart nearby.

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